Article in Bor-pipe ( A Borouge Newsletter for Pipe Industry ) December-2012, Issue no 27

Category : Business | Sub Category : Business Posted on 2020-10-30 13:30:35

Article in Bor-pipe ( A Borouge Newsletter for Pipe Industry ) December-2012, Issue no 27

“Working with Agricultural system manufacturers in India.”

Prashant Nikhade and Vikram Handa of Borouge recently held a training workshop with the staff at Kothari Agritech, one of the major suppliers of agricultural pipework in India. They are based in the Solapur District of Maharashtra which is the heart of the sugar cane business. Over forty of their staff attended the event where they were updated on the recent developments of pre-compounded pipe materials by Borouge for drip irrigation and water supply systems and some of the latest pipe production and quality control techniques.

In the discussion session many ideas were exchanged for setting up some experimental irrigation studies together to improve both water efficiency and crop yields particularly for some of the marginal farmers. Also discussed were the potential benefits of using BorSafe HE3490-LS-H High Stress Crack Resistant (HSCR) PE100 pipes for some of the critical cross country agricultural raw water supply pipelines and an initial trial project was agreed.

After the workshop the Kothari Agritech team introduced Prashant and Vikram to some of the important players in the local sugar industry at both the sugar cane farms and the processing plants. This enabled the Borouge team to put their case for the use of PO materials in some of the sugar cane processes where temperatures up to 70°C can be reached and the life of steel pipes can be short. Working together with the sugar cane farmers and processors in this way Borouge and Kothari Agritech expect to be able to replace many existing systems with plastic solutions bringing benefits to everyone in the value chain.