Mulching Film Manufacturers & Suppliers in India | Mulch Paper

Mulching Film Manufacturers & Suppliers in India

Agri Mulch Film

    Features and Benefits:
  • Weed Control.
  • Soil Compaction Prevention.
  • Providing excellent environment for root development (Darkness Oxygen) in the upper surface.
  • Salinity Reduction.
  • Changing the micro-climate around the plant.
  • Attract and reject insects.
  • Prevent Fertilizer Leaching.
  • Soil Erosion Control.
  • Ideal application with drip irrigation system.
  • It will help for better root development helping in better nutrition uptake for Short duration crops like vegetables and long duration crops like Papaya, Rose and Orchid crops.
  • Available in Black & Silver, Black & White, Red & Yellow.
    Available Sizes:
  • 21 micron, 25 micron, 30 micron, 50 micron & 100 micron.
  • Any other size will be available as per requirement.
Technical Specifications:
Agri Mulch Film (B/S) Specification
Micron Size
Standard Packing Per Roll (mtr)
3 feet, 1 m, 1.2 m, 1.5 m
3 feet, 1 m, 1.2 m, 1.5 m
3 feet, 1 m, 1.2 m, 1.5 m
1.2 m
1.2 m

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Mulching Films Manufacturer and Suppliers in India Mulching Films Manufacturer and Suppliers in India Mulching Films Manufacturer and Suppliers in India Mulching Films Manufacturer and Suppliers in India Mulching Films Manufacturer and Suppliers in India Mulching Films Manufacturer and Suppliers in India

The technical term ‘Mulch’ means 'covering of soil'. Mulching is the practice of covering the soil with a loose layer of shredded plant material to make the conditions more favorable for plant growth and efficient crop production which leads to the development of farmers. The technical term ‘Mulch’ means 'covering of soil'.

  • Mulching Films are widely used in the agricultural sector for preventing the loss of soil moisture, modify soil temperatures, reduce soil erosion and helps improve the crop yield from the cultivated plants.
  • Agricultural Mulching Films need regular light and thermal stabilizers long with intermediary chemical resistance, due to their thickness, use of pigments and their exposure to high radiation.
  • Kothari Group Agricultural Mulching Films Manufacturer and Suppliers in India are a renowned name in India’s agricultural sector for producing and supplying Irrigation Systems and equipment.

  • What is the Need of Agricultural Mulching Films?
    • The deciding factor in crop water requirement is Evapo-transpiration. Since, transpiration depends on crop physiology, the only controlling factor which can reduce the water requirement of the crop is mulching.
    • With increased water scarcity, the use of mulching is increasing day-by-day.
    • Reasons for applying Kothari Agricultural Mulching Film Manufacturers & Suppliers in India include the conservation of soil moisture, improving fertility and health of the soil, limiting the weed growth, and enhancing the visual appeal of the area.
  • What is the Agricultural Mulching Technology and how does it work?
    • Mulching is a very old technology that has been used for reducing water losses due to evaporation.
    • For a long time, the wastage after the cultivation and harvest of Kharif & Rabi crop has been used for Agricultural Mulching of the major irrigated crops.
    • The layer of the wastage is laid on the soil surface in the crop canopy area. It makes the material work as an Organic Mulching and after decomposition it forms the same organic material making the soil more fertile.
  • What are the types of Agricultural Mulch Films?
  • There are two types of Agricultural Mulch Films Organic Mulching Films and Inorganic/Plastic Mulching Films.

      Organic mulching
    • For Organic Mulching the crop waste derived from the plant sources like compost, grass clippings, etc. is used.
    • Its major advantage is that it does not form harmful residues unlike in plastic mulching.
    • Here, the material decomposes in the soil making it more fertile, it also reduces the percentage of weed formation.
    • The main drawback is that the pests & disease of the earlier crop waste can spread on the new cultivated crop.
    • Organic Mulching needs more manpower to spread it on the crop as compared to plastic mulching.
    • And if not spread evenly, it creates unhealthy conditions for the crops at some places.
      Inorganic Mulching / Plastic Mulching:
    • Inorganic Mulching or Plastic Mulching is predominantly used along with Drip Irrigation Systems. This type of mulching is becoming more popular day by day.
    • The idea of using plastic in Mulching started in 1950, with a pre-defined thickness of a plastic sheet that is laid along the soil surface before plantation.
    • The thickness and hence the life of Mulch Film is linked to the plant harvesting period. There are different thicknesses of plastic agricultural mulch from 15 microns to more than 100 microns varying its life in the field.
    • The major advantage includes retention of moisture in the plant root zone area, which reduces the plant water requirement by about 20 to 25%.
    • It helps maintain temperature at the plant root zone area irrespective of extreme temperatures outside.
    • It avoids the formation of different types of Weeds which keeps the plant & soil more healthy. Also due to the non-formation of weeds, avoids cultivation practices. This leads to a huge saving in labor costs. Also, it saves the plant from root damage chances during cultivation practices.
    • It improves the quality of crop produce by avoiding direct contact with the soil surface.
    • The laying of plastic mulch is now possible with a tractor saving the time & cost included in laying agricultural mulching films.
    • The disposal of the mulching waste is a little problematic with ordinary quality mulching as it tears in small pieces while removing.
    • Also, ordinary mulching is hard to lay with a tractor. Hence, the use of branded agricultural mulching film is significant to avoid the damage of soil health in which Kothari Group Agricultural Mulching Film Manufacturers and Suppliers in India help, as we provide best quality Agricultural Mulching Film.
    • Decomposition of plastic remains to be a major environmental issue which is the only set back of Inorganic Mulching Films.
      Colored Plastic Mulching:
    • The trend of using colored plastic for mulching has lately increased. It has several advantages like, a Black mulching film increases soil temperature which is useful for crop growth in winter. Whereas a white mulching increases the reflection of light and reduces the soil temperature.
  • Understanding the crucial role this product plays in the cultivation of crops, we at Kothari Group Irrigation Manufacturers and Suppliers in India are busy in producing the best in class Agricultural Mulching Film that fulfills all the above qualities. It is composed with the help of high tech machinery that is programmed for making perfect quality Agricultural Mulching Films in India. We export the complete package of this product at leading market prices.

Agricultural Mulching Films

What are the benefits of Agricultural Mulching Films in Crop Production?

  • Using Mulching Films in crop productions reduces the growth of weed around the plant root area.
  • Agricultural Mulch Films reduce water evaporation from the soil which reduces the external water requirement.
  • Using Mulch Films controls the soil temperature and improves the plant growth during different seasons.
  • The use of Agricultural Mulch improves the soil pH over time.
  • The light that is reflected from the Mulching Films helps I controlling pests like aphids, leaf miners and thrips that otherwise would be very harmful for the plant growth.
  • The use of Agricultural Mulching Films helps in avoiding soil erosion during the rainy season.
  • The use of Mulching Films in agriculture increases the crop’s water holding capacity.
  • Mulching Films are economically profitable and enhance the crop yield and quality.

Which factors should be taken into consideration before selecting the right Mulching Film?

  • Thickness

    To choose the right mulching paper, thickness plays a vital role.

    • The thickness for Vegetable Crops - 15-30 Microns
    • The thickness for Orchid Crops - 100-150 Microns
  • Width

    The width of an Agricultural Mulch is dependent on inter- spacing between crop rows.

    • The width varies for different crops and ranges from 1-1.5 meters.
    • The width is important for laying purpose.
  • Perforations

    Two types of perforation papers are available and they function differently. They have their pros and cons which are to be considered before selecting a perforation paper.

    • A higher perforation sheet helps avoid water stagnation problems but drives the weed growth around the plant which can create an issue.
    • A lower perforation paper provides better-controlled water and distribution of fertilizers happens smoothly.
  • Color of the Mulching Film

    The color of the Agricultural Mulch Films is dependent on important parameters like type of crop, soil and the location.

      The color of the Mulching paper should be selected considering the following factors:

      • Soil temperature
      • Air temperature around the plant
      • Reflected sunlight
      • Soil pH levels
  • Quality of the Mulching Papers

    A good quality mulching paper has of the below:

    • Highly porous
    • Highly thermal resistant
    • High Durability