Sprinkler Irrigation System Manufacturers & Suppliers in India

Sprinkler Irrigation System Manufacturers & Suppliers in India

K-Tuff Micro Sprinkler

K-Tuff Micro Sprinkler

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K-Mic Micro Sprinkler

K-Mic Micro Sprinkler

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K-Mic Excel

K-Mic Excel

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K-Mic Mist Sprayer

K-Mic Mist Sprayer

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Mini Sprinkler

Mini Sprinkler

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HDPE Pipe Sprinkler Set

HDPE Pipe Sprinkler Set

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Kothari Sprinkler Irrigation System Manufacturers and Suppliers in India are the makers of Agricultural and Irrigation Equipment’s. The Sprinkler Irrigation Systems resemble rainfall; the way it rejuvenates plants and helps them grow.

  • Water is pumped through a system of pipes then sprayed into the air and is allowed to fall on the ground surface.
  • The spray through which the crops are watered is due to the flow of water under pressure through small nozzles.
  • The nozzle sizes, sprinkler spacing and operating pressure, have to be carefully selected so that the amount of irrigation water required to refill the crop root zone can be evenly applied to suit the infiltration rate of the soil.
  • Sprinkler Irrigation Systems provides efficient coverage for all ground sizes.
  • It is adaptable to all types of irrigational soils.
  • In Sprinkler Irrigation Systems, closely spaced crops types like Kharif Crops such as soya bean, maize, sorghum, Pulses as well as Rabbi Crops like Wheat, Gram, and Barley etc. are used. These crops require water for a short span and Drip Irrigation Systems are found expensive by farmers.
  • In Kharif, they just require one or two Irrigations depending upon the rainfall gap period. This has developed the need for Sprinkler Irrigation.

  • What are the different types of sprinklers?
  • On the basis of the rotation of Sprinkler heads, the sprinklers are divided as follows:

    1. Spray Heads

    Spray Heads are classified into the following types on the basis of its operation.

      Mist Sprayer
    • The process of Misting is useful for delicate nursery plants.
    • The droplet size is small and perfect for them. Now-a-days, it is also used for irrigating Horticulture crops.
    • Foggers
    • Foggers are mainly used for temperature control in Playhouses and greenhouses, and not used in Sprinkler irrigation Systems.
    • It can reduce the temperature up to 15 degrees in summers. The common spacing is 3mx3m, with water discharge from 22 liters to 30 liters.
    • Pop-up Spray Heads
    • They are specially designed underground Sprayers for lawns, all sports grounds, bungalow lawns are irrigated with it.
    • They operate on Hydraulic Pressure, where spray heads Pop-up on the ground for Irrigation and go back in when done.
    2. Rotating Head System

    Rotating Head systems have the following types based on its operation,

    • Micro-sprinklers have rotating spray heads used for Irrigating Vegetables like Onions, Potato and closely spaced crops like Wheat, etc.
    • The costing factor attracts the use of the same among common farmers compared to sprinkler Irrigation. The common pattern of installation is square pattern and the common spacing is from 3mx3m to 5mx5m. The discharge varies from 50 LPH to 250 LPH.
    • It is a more economical system compared to Mini-sprinkler.
    • But it is a non-portable system as compared to other sprinklers.
    • The number of Micro-sprinklers per acre is more, which is huge maintaining issue in this system.
    • Mini-Sprinklers
    • Mini-sprinkler has more water discharge as compared to Micro-sprinklers.
    • It is mainly used for closely spaced crops like Onion, Potato, Groundnut, Vegetables, Wheat, etc. The spacing for mini-sprinklers is 9mx9m & 10mx 10m with square pattern. The discharge varies from 450 LPH to 600 LPH.
    • They are economically better than Micro-sprinkler as we can shift the sprinkler nozzles.
    • Sprinkler Set (Middle range Nozzle with Portable Pipes)& Rain Guns
    • It is a fully portable, economical system which is mostly used for Kharif crops. It solves emergency watering problems where there are rainfall gaps. The light weight Pipes & Nozzles makes shifting easier.
    • The discharge of the Mid-size Sprinkler nozzle varies from 1250 LPH to 2000 LPH.
    • The Rain-guns are used for irrigating sports grounds, etc. It is industrially used in dust suppression.
    • Pop-up Sprinkler
    • These are specially designed underground gear operated sprinklers for lawn purposes.
    • Many sports grounds, Bungalows, Lawns are irrigated with the same, where sprinkler spray-heads Pop-up to the ground for Irrigation and go back in after being shut down.
    • It operates on Hydraulic Pressure that has a radius of 8 to 15 meters.
    3. Perforated Pipe System
    • It is the most budget-friendly Sprinkle Irrigation system that has a 32mm to 50mm pipe with pre-punched laser holes at a fix distance.
    • The pattern and size of the holes plays an important role in the efficiency of its Irrigation. It is also mostly used for Kharif Crops during rainfall gaps for crops like Soya bean etc.
  • At Kothari Agriculture Sprinklers Manufacturers and Suppliers in India, our systems are designed to make sure maximum water is saved, with high quality equipment, affordable prices and effortless installation.
  • All the products are made of durable, chemical resistant and engineered plastics to be cost effective and environmental friendly.
  • All sprinklers undergo intensive quality testing in our well-equipped labs. Hence, Kothari Group Irrigation Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers are considered as one of the top Sprinkler Irrigation Manufactures and Suppliers in India.